In 2007 the Japanese Anglican Church (UK) was established at St Martin's West Acton. In 2011 Yuki Johnson was commissioned Lay Minister to the Japanese worship and in 2020 she became Licensed Lay Minister. Find out more about Yuki on our Who's Who page or contact her at
The Japanese Anglican Church meets for worship monthly at St Martin's on the third Sunday of every month at 3pm, and on the first Saturday of every month at 10am we have the Japanese Community Café where there's something for everybody!
For all of the up to date Newsletters about the Japanese Anglican Church click here
問い合わせ (日本語でもどうぞ) Yuki ジョンソン友紀まで
イングランド教会(Church of England)について分からないことがあったら、どうぞお気軽にお問い合わせください。
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